Step into the enigmatic world of "Their Story," a non-linear narrative thriller that will challenge your detective skills and captivate your imagination. Set against the evocative backdrop of 1970s San Francisco and tranquil Marin County, this gripping interactive story places you in the shoes of Riley Connor, a resilient and resourceful individual on a mission to find their missing partner.

As you immerse yourself in the meticulously recreated 1970s, complete with period-authentic aesthetics and a pulsating soundtrack, you'll uncover a web of secrets and embark on a personal journey unlike any other. The game unfolds on a mothballed desktop computer connected to a police database of video footage. Dive deep into the past as you explore interviews where Riley is questioned about the mysterious disappearance of Alex Strangelow, their partner.

Every choice you make as Riley will shape the course of the investigation, revealing hidden truths and dangerous secrets that stretch from the heart of the Mission District to the tranquil landscapes of Marin County. Navigate a world of intrigue, danger, and personal destiny, where science, conspiracy, and the unknown intersect.

Can you piece together the fragments of "Their Story" and guide Riley to the ultimate truth? Or will the shadows of 1970s San Francisco and Marin County keep the secrets buried forever? Dive into the mystery and experience a gripping narrative adventure that will keep you guessing until the very end.


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I stopped working on this game concept but let me check if I still have the files somewhere.

I want to play this so bad, but it wont let me open the game :(